If you are looking for past changelogs, check out this page.

libGDX 1.12.1 is a minor release containing plenty of small fixes and improvements. Check out the full list below to find out more.

A few notable changes

  • [ANDROID] Fix the Android X build error by changing the androidx.fragment dependency to compileOnly.
  • [CORE] Add a Vector4 class.
  • [iOS] Updated to MobiVM 2.3.20 from 2.3.19.
  • [LWJGL3] Updated to LWJGL 3.3.3 from 3.3.2.
  • [LWJGL3] The audio device is automatically switched if it was changed in the operating system.
  • [LWJGL3] Use STBVorbis to decode Ogg data for Sound to greatly improve its speed.
  • [LWJGL3] We lowered the GLIBC requirements to 2.17 in order to reintroduce support for older Linux systems.
  • [LWJGL3][ANGLE] Fix crash with ANGLE GLES renderer.

To check out our progress towards the next release, take a look at the corresponding milestone on GitHub. As always, we appreciate feedback on the issues/PRs already part of the milestone and would like to invite you to bring forward anything still missing on our Discord server!

Full changelog

Updating your Gradle project is straight-forward: Check out the instructions on the wiki! The latest version of dependencies can, as always, be found here.

- LWJGL3 Improvement: Audio device is automatically switched if it was changed in the operating system.
- Tiled Fix: TiledLayer parallax default values fix
- API Addition: TiledDrawable: Align can be set to manipulate the alignment of the rendering (TiledDrawable#setAlign, TiledDrawable#getAlign)
- API Addition: TiledDrawable#draw: Also available as a static function (with align) if you don't want to create an extra instance per texture region
- Android: Removed mouse catching added on 1.12.0 due to unintended effects (see #7187).
- Android: Fixed touch state inconsistency when touching screen with 3 fingers on some devices (see #7256)
- iOS: Update to MobiVM 2.3.20
- API Addition: Using "object" property in Tiled object now fetches MapObject being pointed to, and BaseTmxMapLoader includes method for fetching map where key is id and value is MapObject instance.
- Update to LWJGL 3.3.3
- API Addition: Vector4 is just like Vector2 or Vector3, but with x, y, z, and w float components; a Vector4 can be passed as a shader uniform.
- Fix: Fix crash with ANGLE GLES renderer
- API Change: Use STBVorbis to decode ogg data for Sound
- API Change: Remove usage of deprecated tag on GL30
- Lower GLIBC requirements to 2.17 in order to support older Linux systems
- Fix: Fix setCursor releasing the caught cursor on the LWJGL 3 backend.
- Fix crash in ParticleEditor and Flame
- Fix bitwise precedence in ModelBatch#addMesh (float[] vertices, short[] indices)
- Improve the default font's compatibility with GL30
- Fix potential IndexOutOfBoundsException on AsynchronousAndroidSound
- API Addition: GwtGL20 & GwtGL30#glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv
- Fix Tiled classes not being registered in the reflection cache
- Fix: Change androidx.fragment dependency to compileOnly
- Fix borderless fullscreen when taskbar is on the left/top
